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Sunrise business solutions, Maryland, DC

Big Isn’t Always Better

Newsfeeds these days are filled with gloom and doom for small businesses. The COVID-19 pandemic has put many businesses on their heels or even into bankruptcy. Even when the small guys get a break due to PPP funding, some large companies took advantage of their extensive banking and legal contacts and swooped in to gobble up the available funds. It sometimes seems as if the little guy just can’t catch a break.

Jason Jennings wrote the best-selling book “It’s Not the Big That Eats the Small…It’s the Fast That Eats the Slow: How to Use Speed as a Competitive Tool in Business”. He followed it up with “Think BIG, Act Small”. Jennings “FLIPS THE SCRIPT” on the idea that the Big is Better. In both books, Jennings highlights the advantages smaller businesses have versus Big businesses.

–> Click below to see how Sunrise Solutions has once again “FLIPPED THE SCRIPT” on the idea that Big is Better!

We’ve seen examples of this recently. Local Mom and Pop establishments have adapted to the needs of their customers, focusing on what they CAN DO during these times versus what they can’t. They switched from Dine-IN to Dine- OUT. They distill sanitizer instead of liquor. They deliver, where others close down. These businesses understand they can offer what large companies can’t – SERVICE. Small Companies are better able to adapt and change with the needs of the customers they serve. Why? They remember that is what they are in the business of…serving.

Sunrise Solutions has prided itself on providing large-company telecom services to small and midsize businesses. We serve businesses the large telecom companies don’t want to waste their time with anymore. We believe in the little guy. You might be surprised who the Big Telecom Companies consider “little”. If you’re not billing $10,000 a month, you are ‘little’; Big Telecom companies will have you call the 800# call center. When you call us, you reach us!

Since Mid-March, we have shifted the focus of Sunrise Solutions from telephones and telecom to remote work enablement. Sure, we used networks and phones to help with this, but the focus was enabling our customers to stay in business, without having to go to their business.

Pre-pandemic, we operated like a chef in a restaurant might. We asked the owner what they’d like to serve. We’d plan the menu, purchase the supplies, and then execute on that menu. During the first few months of the pandemic, we were more like Chefs on the TV show “Chopped”. We opened up the basket, see what you had, and served up solutions to get you back in business.

We’ve all learned a lot since then. The world is different now. It will be even more different in the coming months. Change is the new normal. Sunrise Solutions has once again “FLIPPED THE SCRIPT”. We are retooled and focused on helping you adjust to these changes. If you’re a small to medium-size business, we are on YOUR side! You are OUR people! Let’s go kick some Big Company Ass…TOGETHER!

Let Us Know What Else We Can Do to Make You Happy! If You Need Help Keeping Your Staff Connected, Give Us a Call. It’s What We Do!

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